Despite beginning with a T, this is the last of Canon's F-series cameras, which included the F-1, EF, FT and FT-b, TL and TLb, FP, FX and the Pellix, plus all their minor variations.
The Canon Museum says it's "a stripped-down Canon FTb for the mass market overseas. The fastest shutter speed was only 1/500 sec. The metering pattern was centerweighted averaging instead of 12% partial at the center. The stop-down lever had no locking feature. A PC terminal and hot shoe were provided for flash."
It was also marketed as the Bell & Howell FD35. B&H had imported Canon cameras in the USA for approximately 10 years, sometimes co-branded, sometimes not. Canon set up Canon USA as its American distribution network; I assume the FD35 was a goodbye settlement to give B&H a 35mm SLR to sell while they worked out a deal with someone else (which never happened, as far as I can tell).
For people who thought the TLb was "a stripped-down Canon FTb for the mass market overseas," it was. The Museum describes it as a TX without the hot-shoe.
For more information: Canon Camera Museum
Camera manual: Orphan