James's Light Meter Collection: Gossen Labocolor analyzer
Gossen Labocolor analyzer click for manual
Maker: Gossen
Model: Labocolor
Circa: 1980s (my guess-timate)
Cell type: unknown (probably silicon blue)
Measure type:color analyzer

Thank you to Marcus Rowland in the UK for this (including the PDF of the owner's manual). I had never heard of it and I can't find a trace of it on the internet other than one or two mentions of someone coming across one and wondering about it. The PDF manual is in German and I assume this was probably never exported to Anglophone territories.

I assume this is from the 1980s based on the design. Also the front page of the manual has the number 7909-0169Y0. Maybe the first four digits mean September 1979. It's as good as guess as any.

Nice looking analyzer. If I still had a darkroom I might have bought it.

Gossen Labocolor analyzer in boxGossen Labocolor analyzer probe

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