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By Greg Inzunza
Dispatch Editor Tony Ortega, now in the sixth week since the revocation of his inter-district transfer, failed Dec. 22 in his attempt to get a temporary restraining order that would allow him to return to Savanna..
Attorney Gary Williams, of the American Civil Liberties Union, filed a lawsuit Dec. 20 on Ortega's behalf against the Anaheim Union High School District, Savanna principal Mary Franks, and journalism advisor Cecilia Tate.
The Superior Court Judge Luis Cardenas, will not decide whether the district must allow Ortega to return to Savanna until both sides are heard on Feb. 6.
The chain of events leading to the lawsuit started last month when Ortega as Editor-in-Chief approved publication of an article by reporter Gary Kuhn. In the article Kuhn quoted angry statements by unnamed parents made against Savanna football coach Jim Everett during a meeting with Principal Franks.
Kuhn was invited to this meeting by the parents. He spoke with Franks of the subject matter of the story but Franks said, "I did not know Gary would be at the meeting until I arrived." Franks, however, stated that she wanted to see the article before publication. Ortega felt that Franks was not followig procedure and that she was not entitled to censorship of the article.
On Dec. 5 the newspapers with Kuhn's article on the front page were passed to Savanna students. Later that day Franks removed the remaining few copies from office counter tops. The remaining issues, ¦-wM eh-were ctretonrarttr ~sent to other schools, were then locked in a closet by advisor Tate on Dec. 8. All of the issues were later taken to a vault in the principal's office.
"I can't believe they'd do that," Ortega said upon learning of the lock-up. With that, Ortega went to work on a leaflet aimed at informing the students of what had happened and protesting the administration's actions.
Ortega's first attempt to get the leaflets printed failed as the leaflets were confiscated by senior account clerk Nora Robinson. The second attempt, however, did not fail. During the lunch break of Dec. 10, Ortega and council member Mitch Petra distributed the leaflets titled "Extra."
When assistant principal Don Nielsen told Ortega to stop distributing the leaflets, Ortega refused. They then had a conversation, in which Ortega cursed then walked away. It was this act that led to Ortega's suspension for five days.
Along with being charged with insubordination, Ortega is said to have violated district policy DB8600. Which says that leaflets must be submitted to the proper administrator at least 12 hours before distributing.
On Wednesday, Dec. 17, Nielsen informed Ortega that his inter-district transfer would be revoked and that he would be forced to go to Western High School. The next day Ortega appealed to the assistant superintendent then to the superintendent; both upheld the decision.
After acquiring attorney Williams, Ortega appealed to the Board of Trustees on Jan. 8. This appeal failed despite William's claim that Ortega's freedom of speech was violated.
The constitutionality of DB8600 (which Superintendent Cynthia Grennan, administrator Nielsen and Principal Franks said Ortega violated) is presently being disputed by Williams on the grounds that the 12-hour notice is prior restraint, and against the First Amendment.
Representing the school district is attorney LeRoy Kellogg who feels that the school administration must have the authority to discipline students and that the defiance of authority on campus undermines the whole disciplinary process.
Much to his dissatisfaction, Ortega must remain at Western High School fcr at least two more weeks until the Feb. 6 hearing. Ortega says he's "not too disappointed with the two weeks, as long as I get the injunction.
When the ordeal is over Ortega hopes, "That someday in the future if some high school newspaper editor who's having trouble with the administration, can look at the Ortega vs. A11HSD- ensa and u«e-that to help him put out his newspaper like I would — by the students, for the students."
By Wendy Sanders
Social activities are a very important part of a school curriculum. An organization on the Savanna campus, the Girls' League, has put forth an effort to provide the students with a variety of activities.
Two of the most recent projects that have been sponsored by Girls League are a fashion show and the Winter Formal. The recent fashion show went over very well according to the league president Jessica Latumeten, but she felt that there was room for improvement. When usl.ed if there were any problems whh the show. Jessica replied, "There was a problem with the fashion show because some of the people were really picky about us using their clothes for the modeling." She also stated that it took a lot of time to plan and the peo pie liked the commentary.
Traditionally, every year the Girls League has had the responsibility of coordinating the activities of the Winter Formal dance. This involved planning where the dance was to be held, selecting the band, and thinking up an idea for the making of the tickets. The Winter Formal appropriately named "Winter Fantasy," was held on January 24, at the Santa Ana Moose Lodge and took much of the officers time with the special effort and planning.
The Girls League is a club organized for all of the girls attending Savanna. The club, which tries to meet every other week, does not have the membership that Jessica had hoped for. When asked why she thought the membership was low, she stated, "It's hard to get members because the girls don't realize the meaning behind the Girls League. Not many girls realize that they are members."
The purpose behind Girls League is to get every girl involved with the activities at school. There are no requirements.
The officers of Girls League include: president, Jessica Latumeten; vice president, Marci Robledo; treasurer, Jennifer Nakamatsu, and chairman of committees is Wai Lee. The club is under the direction of Mrs. Bosna and Mrs. Buchanan.
Jessica is looking forward to a much larger participation in the future. "I really hope the club can grow much larger with all the new girls attending Savanna this year."
By Gary Kuhn
The horns blew, and the drums' sounds roamed the campus with incessant continuity. Everybody, surprised with the unusual procedure, steadied themselves, as if being unexpectedly pushed from behind. Confusion spread, predominantly existing among the puny freshmen and sophomores. Teachers, normally striving within the realms of discreet behavior, failed as they awkwardly peered out of their classrooms with obvious curiosity. Alas! The announcement began.
Matching the surprising instrumental sounds was a voice, peculiarly harsh, yet still unresistably alluring.
"Everybody play in the Kiwanis Bowl tomorrow during school. Boys and girls are urged to participate."
The voice faded. Still, confusion remained among the uncertain listeners. However, enthusiastic students commented on the announcement while others, evidently irritated by the mysterious voice, jeered it.
Pauline of the Punker's Patch, ridiculously removed her purple sun glasses and asked in amazement, "Hey man, you mean to tell me that they expect the girls to compete with the boys in a football game?"
Her boyfriend, Peter, adorned with pink and kaleidoscopic clothes with apparently two daisies separately placed on the front of his torso, excitedly replied, "I guess so, but don't you go worrying, baby, because it should be fun, real fun!"
After lowering the volume of his radio (which was playing "Donny and Marie" music), Pat complemented the conversation by quickly interjecting, "Yen, man, and I bet you a reefer that good ol' Jim will be the coach."
The next day, after learning to much of their bewilderment that the Kiwanis Bowl was going to be in the auditorium, the trio eagerly attended, ridiculously clad in tight shorts.
All previous uncertainty and misunderstanding was erased and consequently turned to severe embarrassment though when some students learned that the Kiwanis Bowl wsa actually "an educational contest of academic endeavor."
Those few gullible students looked on in overwhelming astonishment as some dozen clubs, including Sa-Rebs, Student Council, Newspaper, Pep Club, the Madrigals, the International Club, Yearbook, Drama, and Interact, organized as teams to compete against one another in an elimination tournament.
Yet the surprised students were gratefully relieved to find that the Kiwanis Bowl did reflect some kind of organized timing and scoring; however, it did not include fifteen minute quarters, and the tournament did not award a team seven points for a "touchdown."
As two teams competed simultaneously, five points were awarded to the team who answered the questions correctly. Questions asked included those from literature, civics, current affairs, famous names, geography, history, language, music, sports, mathematics, and science. Bonus questions were also presented to those teams who obtained a score of 20 or a multiple thereafter.
In the semifinals, the band crushed the Varsity Club while the California Scholarship Federation organization (CSF) eliminated the National Honor Society, and in the finals, the band upset powerful CSF as both teams compiled some 50 points or more.
However, from the successful event, the judges (Mrs. Vande Steeg, Mr. Eubanks, and Mr. Linn) chose ten individuals, though not necessarily from the team finalists, to represent Savanna in the sixteenth Annual Kiwanis Bowl Playoff expanding over all of Orange County. The ten students, who were chosen primarily on the number of questions answered correctly and their quickness of responses, are John Beisner, John Landon, Tracey Gifford, Dale Henderson, Paul Woo, Grant Ruiz, Paresh Patel, Sam Ban-darsky, Ricky Jacobson, and Kevin Pendleberry.
By Marc Shawula
The Anaheim Union High School District's Board of Trustees approved bids by two different companies and one individual for the purchase of three former junior high schools. According to a newsletter published by the Anaheim High School District, they decided to sell the schools after debating whether to keep the schools for future use. The schools were closed a few years back because of declining enrollment. Babies born during the baby boom have passed through high school and now enrollment has been decreasing severely over the past 10 years.
Ponderosa Homes had the highest bid for Crescent Junior High School paying a price close to five million dollars, $4,950,000 to be exact. Pacesetter Homes bought Fremont Junior High School for a price that was less than Crescent. Pacesetter Homes paid $4,850,000. An in dividual named Paul Salata paid $3,051,000 for Apollo Junior High School.
The district's recent decision to convert to a four year high school plan was the main reason why several junior high schools were closed and sold. Only two grades currently attend the former junior high schools, now called intermediate schools. The seventh and eighth graders who were supposed to attend now closed junior high schools are now attending other schools throughout the area including Brookhurst. Population at those schools will remain the same because they lost ninth graders now attending high schools, but gained students from the closed schools. The high schools, including Savanna, had the only gain of students this year.
By Greg Inzunza
"Dispatch held hostage" is the headline that Tony Ortega used in his "Extra," protesting the confiscation of the remaining uncirculated copies of last month's Dispatch. Although the newspapers have been returned, this same term may still be applied; but for other circumstances.
Anaheim Union High School District officials, trying to prevent any further annoyances, passed a regulation for all high schools which says that either the principal or journalism advisor must sign the final page proofs or the school newspaper will not be printed. Which means that even though a story follows the Code of Ethics for Journalism, an advisor or principal can refuse to sign a page. Whether it be because of a moral or personal grievance with a single story.
It's not to say this will be done (perish the thought!) but it is ironic that one person's personal opinion can now "legally" nullify a student's freedom of speech.
Under the First Amendment, students are guaranteed their freedom of speech just as adults are. What cannot be expressed is that which is obscene, libelous, or slanderous. Also prohibited is material that incites students to the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school regulations or to disrupt school operations. This is stated in the California State Education Code Section 48916.
While Gary Kuhn's article on a parent meeting to oust football coach Jim Everett is perfectly legal, by definition of Section 48916, the Savanna Administration felt that the confiscation was justified because Kuhn's story was "morally wrong."
The fact that Kuhn's article never mentioned the names of the parents criticizing Coach Everett and the "window" that read in bold letters, "I hate to say it but he ruined my son completely," led Principal Mary Franks to mistakingly believe the story to be editorialization. However, Don Angel, an editorial writer for the Register, agreed with the Dispatch staff that the story was not editorialized. As for the "window" Angel said, "I don't see anything wrong with it. We use them all the time."
Recently Assistant Principal Don Nielson, who confiscated Tony Ortega's leaflets and who initially ended Ortega's inter-district transfer, told the Anaheim Bulletin, "I have rules and regulations to abide by and the trustee's policies clearly state the manner in which the school newspaper is published. And I have a responsibility to the students and the parents. The Dispatch is partially funded by the Associated Student Body and the school finances the rest."
Though the Dispatch is indeed funded through the school and by ads, an article in the Student Press Law Center Report reads, "In the 11 years since the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District, the lower federal courts have unanimously rejected the argument that high school and college administrators can control the content of school publications just because they are funded by the school."
It's apparent that the AUHSD's new regulation, the harsh treatment of Ortega, and the Savanna administration's attitude on student publications proves how limited a student's freedom of speech is. However, the Dispatch will continue abiding by the Code of Ethics for journalism. Thus, any material that the Savanna administration refuses to let be printed will be a plain and outright act of censorship.
By Wendy Sanders
Brian has no apparent destination as he weaves expertly among shoppers at the expansive shopping center. He scurries disinterestedly past display windows occupied by gleaming refrigerators and frozen-faced mannequins. He darts unexpectedly into the orderly drug store and rifles its magazine rack in search of a comic book he hasn't already read. Yet minutes later, under the orders of an impatient manager, he resumes his aimless journey.
A quick check of the pinball arcade fails to turn up a familiar face. And he's already seen the movies at the theatre. Digging his hands into the pockets of well-worn jeans, he halts beneath the mall's clock. After careful scrutiny, he decides it's five minutes to four — two hours before his mom will be by to pick him up. He plops down on a nearby bench — bored, impatient, and on the verge of tears.
Two months ago, Brian's mother Linda got fed up with a string of undependable sitters whose prices rose faster than the salary she earned as an insurance company receptionist. Her ex-husband had quit sending child support long ago and after the last sitter unexpectedly moved away, Linda decided Brian would just have to walk to the mall after school and wait for her there. She was afraid to leave him home alone like so many other kids in their apartment complex. He'd be safer at the shopping center where peole were around. And it was just a few hours after school.* Linda had argued with herself.
Brian was only seven years old. But it was either this arrangement or quit her job to stay with him and return to welfare, skipped car payments and soup every night.
Though Brian and Linda are fictional characters, their dilemma is very real.
Working parents are facing a critical shortage of care for their children. Everywhere working parents with infants are at the mercy of a benevolent grandmother or the woman down the street to care for the baby until he is potty-trained well enough for preschool.
In desperation, frustrated parents like Linda have reluctantly or even willingly resorted to leaving their children unattended at home, at the skating rink, at the local movie theatre. This is true particularly if the child is over six years old. Frequently some of these children become instant mommies and daddies to siblings still toddling around in diapers.
The following are some tragedies resulting from children being left alone:
What can be done for these children who are left alone — to the cookie jar, the television set and a locked front door?
♦NOTE: The above excerpt ws reprinted with permission from the November 1980 issue of Orange County Illustrated.
Dear Editor;
"Scoop" Ortega calls it "Big News," when referring to trying to get rid of a football coach. He thinks it is fun. He feels his newspaper is better with articles such as the one in the Friday, December 5, 1980 issue of The Dispatch. The entire writeup was nothing but a hatchet job on Jim Everett, our football coach. It has to do with the football teams' 1-9 season effort this year and last year. You want to know who played in those games. The team members played. Not the parents. Not the coach. Not the newspaper writers. Gary Kuhn supposedly wrote the articles. But he did not. How are we to know who writes the articles in the Savanna paper? Is it the students' parents? A high school paper should, even if it is not any good, at least be honest.
One story starts out with the fact that the parents are disgusted and tired of embarrassing performances by the varsity football team, their sons. Why then, is Jim Everett not the primary cause of defeat? Why are all the parents finally getting off their cans and raising some commotion after the season is over and it is too late?
Everybody talks about not enough discipline on the team. They say that discipline is the key to success. What ever happened to self-discipline and a little bit of talent to help win? Why didn't the parents show enough discipline during the summer before the season started or during the season? Why weren't their sons leaders? Few people had enough discpline to show up to lift weights or condition themselves.
tWhy all the fuss now? I didn't hear any praise toward Jim Everett after the first win. It was all for the players. Somehow, however, the blame suddenly switched hands to the coach when the team started losing. I can tell you one thing, the parents of this year's varsity players, aren't a bit concerned with next year's team. They didn't even care about this year's team until they lost a few
One father wonders why the team isn't any good since Crescent was so good. Crescent is closed. Not all the Crescent athletes go to Savanna or even play football. What about the other junior high school teams that feed into Savanna? This same father said there was no discipline at Savanna. Does a coach have to babysit his players? Does he have to make sure they finish their homework or make sure they show up for practice? I don't think so.
Mike Merkle (our previous head football coach) was hated by the players and of course the parents because he displayed too much discipline. He was too tough.
In bold offsetting print the article quote a mother that says, "he (Everett) ruined my son completely." Boo-hoo. Why didn't he just quit like several other class players did? In fact he did wind up quitting and encouraged others to follow him. What a leader!
People complain there was not enough contact or hitting in practice. There certainly was enough time to display hard hitting in the games, but we rarely saw much at all. Another mother says that her son could do anything he wanted to do at practice. Why didn't her son want to practice football instead of just sitting. Was he drunk or wasted? Did he complain of some small injury that could keep him from practicing? Yet another parent feels the players didn't even respect Coach Everett. I doubt very much that these same players even respect themselves. A few players gripe about how none was able to go on both offense and defense. Brock Okura much to his dislike, was not allowed to play both ways. How could he? He was the first to quit the team. Another parent thinks the players need a model to look up to.
What is wrong with using your parents as a model of good leadership? If the parents act at home anything in the manner which they are now, I can see why this is not such a good idea.
I'm sorry if it isn't fair for a parent's son to not have a winning football team in his senior year. I really am. But life is not always fair. And if a losing team ruins these parents' sons' chances for college football, then why, if it was so important, didn't these players play at a perennial favored football school such as Anaheim?
The only thing that I feel Coach Jim Everett did wrong this year, was that he didn't just kick the players off the team who caused him problems. For sticking through a season of bad luck, for practically baby-sitting our team throughout the year, and for having to listen to many angry parent-coaches the entire year, I feel that Coach Everett deserves a note of recognition and a pat on the back from us all.
In closing, I just want to add that unlike the ghost-writer who wrote these articles I am referring to, I am not afraid to sign my name as the author of this editorial.
Sincerely yours, Tom Beisner
Dear Editor;
We congratulate Gary Kuhn for the news story he wrote on December 5, 1980. The truth could not have been closer. Everything that he commented on was reported in fine taste, and I am glad to hear that he could exercise his freedom of the press and freedom of expression, which is our right as citizens of these United States.
The only thing that we, as parents, are sorry for is that something was not done sooner to avoid all the pain and frustration that was caused to Savanna's football team, to the students of Savanna, and the parents. It is too late now to worry about the past and Savanna's losses; however, it's not too late to try and avoid another season like the last one. We're sure that this is what the parents want to avoid. Some parents have other children that will be attending Savanna and they will be eligible to play football. We have two more boys that will play football and we certainly don't want them to play under the same conditions as before.
We were all hoping for more discipline on that football team. As every parent knows, it is essential that our children receive discipline while at school as well as at home. Of course, any student will respect a coach that will discipline and be fair at the same time.
Many of the parents agreed that winning every game was not what they were after, but was the way Savanna lost — the team had totally given up — they had no pride in themselves and no respect — in fact, they were arguing among each other. When a team starts doing that, then there is nothing left.
We must again congratulate Gary Kuhn for fine reporting (everything was quoted exactly as the parents said) and taking the time to care about Savanna's football team. We also would like to thank Mrs. Franks and all the parents that were there at the meeting for taking the time to get involved for Savanna's football team.
Lawrence and Gloria Rivera
Dear Editor;
Congratulations on your pride in your school. You have the cleanest campus in the district. You have a friendly student body. You consider classwork important to your future. You have respect for performers in assembly programs. You excel in drill team, band, and choir. You have spirit and you dress moderately and tastefully.
Since I left your school two years ago. I have been consulting in many of the high schools. None is better than Savanna. You have kept it that way because you care! Keep up your pride and purpose and life will be rich and rewarding for you. My sincere wishes for a Happy New Year.
Sincerely, Avon B. Carlson
PS. Thank you for letting me play Santa Claus in your assembly.
Dear Editor;
This letter is concerning Greg Inzunza's article on the students need for an open campus.
Right On! Most of the time, the articles are written on the pettiest of issues. All of us need an open campus, not only to leave all the time, but to allow students to have the freedoms they need. The gates have been locked all year dur ing the first four periods of the day. and it really gets to feel like San Quentin. And as for Rosalind Jacob's letter to the editor, it is well worth the hassle to me to leave campus for some authentic food. Most of the food served here is like a game. Try to guess the soft burrito without getting one that had been buried with King Tut.
Sincerely, Dave Cristofaro
by Gary Kuhn
This passion, and the death of a dear friend, would go near to make a man look sad.
Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
I disappeared subconsciously, just to console myself. I remembered distinctly the last day when I saw her. She approached me gracefully, modestly projecting out towards me and everyone else around her a delicate smile. Oh, how I can remember her warm presence.
"There's my 'baby'," said Myrtle, referring to me with her consistent passion. "How have you been?"
"Okay," replied I, haphazardly paying attention to her. Oh, dear God, why didn't I respond to her more affectionately? Why didn't I embrace her and acknowledge her concern and interest in me? Couldn't I have at least said, "Gee, you look attractive, today," or "You are so sweet, Myrtle."? Instead, I foolishly absorbed her generous behavior without considering how fortunate I was to have her around. I didn't ponder whether she would be alive next week or not, but instead, like a selfish and inane child, I wondered if she would, despite my failure to acknowledge her appreciably, continue to address me as her "baby" and regard me immensely.
I also remembered clearly the gold necklace hanging deservedly around her, practically emitting her friendship without approval. It read "Love-Peace" in carefully constructed letters as if the message yearned to be interpreted correctly. When my eyes carefully traversed from the ornament to her lovely, unforgettable face, I casually mentioned, "Hey, that's cute." Damn! Why didn't I say, "Myrtle, that couldn't be more appropriate," or "Myrtle, that ornament reflects nothing less than the epitome of your beautiful personality."? Instead, I remained aloof, conscientiously aware of my intended and discreet behavior, failing to reciprocate the dear generosity she so much deserved, completely unaware that this was the last time I would see her — ever.
I consciously and painfully returned to a disturbed state, the streaming tears tangibly indicated on my face. The shock, instigated by those horrible words, was just as overwhelming. Echoing throughout my body was "Myrtle Phillips was killed last night." The words seemed to search every organ within my body like some ugly cancer. My head hurt with intensity, easily matching the pain of a migraine headache. My stomach temporarily ceased to absorb it like some terribly acidic substance. Finally, my heart felt precisely pierced and consequently deflated, as if the aorta itself was severed.
Yet, visions of Myrtle's symbolic brooch returned to me, however, menacingly revealing itself as nothing but a distorted and tarnished trinket, an object far from the definition of the beautiful ornament Myrtle once wore. The piece, subtly suggesting to me that it had been painfully defeated, seemed to fade in an obscurity of some apparently sociological hatred, like a selfish child concealing himself from his mother.
As my crying idled, I sat incredulous, wondering desperately how much a merciless, irreversible act could be inflicted on Myrtle. I shuddered and repeatedly said, "Oh, that poor lady." What despicable, hideous person could even deem to harm Myrtle Phillips, to bludgeon her to death in her own home?
I was completely crushed. Yet, I knew however much a loss Myrtle was, I had to resume accordingly, still though, reluctant to separate from my mourning, as if somehow the grief itself would miraculously return Myrtle alive.
Conversation with Myrtle is unusually difficult now. Myrtle seldom gets a chance to speak with me as she is constantly exchanging attention and affection with the "others." Myrtle occasionally is able to "visit" me to talk. She and I discuss several topics; however, I try hard not to remind Myrtle of "it," thus, avoiding any puncture of her precious sensitivity. Myrtle still calls me her "baby." Oh, how I wish I could touch her! Instead, I eagerly call her my "mommy."
Myrtle Phillips, typically recognized as a "real lady" according to her neighbors, was fatally struck to the head with a heavy object by an unknown suspect the night of Wednesday. January 7. 1981.
by Greg Inzunza
It's January 30, 1984. As Tom walks through the crowded employ ment agency, the change in his pocket barely rattles. Having spent his last paycheck, there's nothing left. That's the way its been since the minimum wage for teenagers was abolished back in 1981; the same year that Ronald Reagan became President of the United States.
Upon leaving the agency, Tom decides to take the bus home. But knowing that the change might come in handy later, he decides to walk. It's only two miles to his house and besides, Tom's used to walking.
Most teenagers Tom's age have been walking more now than ever. On a sub minimum wage, most youths can't afford transportation. Especially if they either pay rent, help put food on the table, or decide to go to college. Because while the minimum wage for teenagers was abolished by the Reagan administration, financial aid to colleges and other needy services was also cut back. This was part of his plan to fight youth unemployment and at the same time cut back on excess splurging.
Walking past a local grocery store, Tom notices a group of employees busily at work. In the ten years since the store has been there, the number of employees has hardly increased. "Gee," Tom thinks to himself, "that's the opposite of what the President said would happen." Reagan said that with a sub minimum wage for teenagers, businesses could hire more people. This in turn would fight youth unemployment.
But why should businesses hire more now? They can still operate as efficiently with the same number of employees. And now that employees get less pay, businesses can hoard more profit for themselves. In 1981 this profit keeping was called greed, but thanks to present-day laws it's called reality.
Nearing the gas station where he used to work, Tom sees the manager yelling at one of the employees. It reminds Tom of the day he asked for a raise; the same day that Tom quit. Their conversation of that day was still fresh in Tom's mind.
"Mr. Goodwrench, if I ever want to get to college, I'll need more money. My parents aren't considered poor enough to qualify me for financial aid, so may I have a raise?"
"A what!?"
"A raise. You know, an increase in pay."
"Sorry, kid, can't afford it. Besides, you make enough money already."
"Enough money? Three years ago I was making $3.35 now I'm only making $2.50. Inflation's still raging, I do the same work as any adult here, but just because of a person's age the government says that it's all right to give teenagers a mediocre salary. Is that fair?"
"Sure it is. When I was a teenager, kids worked for seven dollars a week. Is there any special reason why kids today should make more than $2.50?"
"in your day gas was thirty cents a gallon, now look at the price of it."
"Well, you kids are lucky that Reagan abolished the minimum wage for teenagers. If not, you'd go heedlessly wasting money without ever knowing the true values in making a decent living."
"Go tell that to your Porche Turbo Carera."
Now at his house, Tom quickly picks up the newspaper that's lying on the table. As he searches through the want ads, Tom finds that this, too, is to no avail. So to pick up his spirits, Tom turns the radio on. But he just as quickly turns the radio off after recognizing the song by the 1984 hit group "Destruction." Unfor-tunatgely, this song entitled, "Empty Promise," reminded Tom of the nation's effort in reducing youth unemployment.
NOTE: A current proposal supposedly designed to reduce youth unemployment will allow emloyers to pay teenagers only 75% of the minimum hourly wage of adult workers. This proposal which is supported by President Ronald Reagan and other members of the new Washington majority, will be introduced to Congress during the upcoming session.
by Paul Carey
At the beginning of 1980 many people looked to the coming decade with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. Unfortunately, 1980 turned out to be a year filled with just as much, if not more, trouble than others in the recent past.
Of the many things that happened in 1980, one thing obviously overshadowed most others, the crisis in Iran. On January lst-4th, U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim conferred with Iranian officials about the American hostages captured November 4, 1979, but to no avail. January 25, Bani-Sadr was elected president of Iran and four days later the U.S. and Canada announce that six American diplomats had escaped with the help of the Canadian government. In February a U.N. Commission visited Iran to investigate the allegations against the United States, again to no avail. Then on April 25, the whole world was surprised to learn of the unsuccessful rescue attempt initiated by President Carter. Carter defended this action later by insisting it had had a good chance of success. In July, Iran's demands for the return of the deposed Shah ended with his death in Egypt. In October, Iran found itself at war with the neighboring country of Iraq. It had been a year since the capture of the U.S. Embassy, and as the holidays grew closer many people hoped in vain that the hostages would be released by Christmas. Jimmy Carter's loss in the November election can be partially attributed to his handling of the Iran situation.
Another important long-term event of 1980 was the Soviet occupa tion of Afghanistan. The Russians brought in the new year by saying January 1 that they had sent their troops to stop revolutionaries being armed and trained by the U.S. and China. A week later the U.N. voted to condemn the Afghan invasion and this was followed in February by a statement from the leaders of France and West Germany demanding immediate withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Seeking to make some sort of formal protest against Russia, President Carter announced that if Russia did not withdraw her troops, the United States would be forced to boycott the Summer Olympics in Moscow. Unfortunately, and much to the dismay of the athletes, this was a threat Carter was forced to carry out. Carter also stated in his State of The Union speech that America would be prepared to go to war if it became necessary to protect oil-supply routes of the Persian Gulf region.
This year also brought us many interesting economic developments. The Department of Labor announced in January, the largest increase in inflation in 33 years. At the same time, the value of gold had soared to over $800 an ounce. Chrysler reported losses for 1979 at $1.1 billion, possibly the largest loss in the history of American corporations. In April Carter signed the Windfall Profits tax bill invoking what was thought to be one of the largest taxes ever placed on an industry. While inflation and the price of gold soared, hundreds of people invested their money in what were called "Pyramid" games. Some won money, some lost, and some went to jail. After several months the "pyramids" fizzled out.
Like always, this year had more than its share of deaths. 1980 saw the loss of a number of political figures. After four months of illness Josip Broz, President of Yugoslavia, died at age 87. Japanese Premier Masayoshi Ohira suffered a fatal heart attack. Roman Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated in El Salvador. William Tolbert Jr., President of Liberia, was shot by enlisted members of the Liberian Army who subsequently assumed control of the government. Probably the most numerous losses were among members of the entertainment world. Foremost among these were Jimmy Durante, Peter Sellers, Alfred Hitchcock, David Janssen, Mae West, and Steve McQueen. Rock 'n' Roll lost three of her sons in drug or alcohol related deaths. Bon Scott of AC/DC, John Bonham of Led Zeppelin, and Darby Crash of the Germs. But unquestionably the most tragic and ironic death of all was that of Rock 'n' Roll visionary and pioneer John Lennon. John and wife Yoko Ono were returning from a recording session December 8th, when a gunman surprised them in front of their home in New York and fired at Lennon. He was dead before he reached the hospital. Soon grief stricken fans all over the world were gathering to pay tribute to the memory of John Lennon.
Two government related scandals also made news this year. In February 31 public officials including a U.S. Senator were reported by the FBI as suspects in a two-year investigation. Called Abscam, it involved the bribing of U.S. officials by Arab sheiks. In July, the President's brother, Billy Carter, registered with the Justice Department as a Libyan agent, much to the embarrassment of the White House. President Carter denied any knowledge of Billy's ties with Libya, but these disavowals were later contradicted by the White House. A committee was quickly formed to investigate, which turned up more evidence of Billy's relationship with Libya.
As well as man-made problems, the year had its share of natural problems. In February, heavy rains hit Southern California, bringing 13 inches of rain. Twenty-six people died and thousands were left homeless by the merciless storms. In May, Mt. St. Helen's in Washington errupted destroying a 120-mile area of land. It was soon named a major disaster area by the President who commented after seeing the damage, "The moon looks like a golf course compared to what's up there." In July, five states, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, and Louisiana were given seven million in emergency funds as a result of the heat wave that hit there and in other states.
In addition to all our problems, the United States experienced a minor triumph in the form of the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York. Eric Heiden won an amazing four events in speed skating. The American hockey team also did very well. The U.S. placed as whole at an unofficial third, right behind East Germany and Russia.
1980 has proved to be an unforgettable year, let us hope for the best in '81 and all the years to follow.
By Gary Kuhn
Tom and Linda were having a good time. The high school seniors were casually driving down the highway on their way to their favorite (and probably desperate) place — Ecstasy Hideout. The two, who had just recently met, were naturally nervous. However, Tom, aware of Linda's constant staring at him, firmly gripped the wheel and applied additional pressure on the accelerator, therefore, hoping to impress his "chick." Before long, Tom and Linda were screaming down the highway, exceeding the 55 mph speed limit by 20 mph. Both were laughing now, Tom, however, returning his buxum girlfriend's attention with promiscuous stares. Finally, just as Tom clumsily reached over to Linda to tangibly fulfill his intentions, he was interrupted by red and blue flashing lights from behind, steadily getting closer. Tom in his midst of anger and embarrassment instantly knew what it was.
"Damn, it's the cops," blurted Tom, now focusing more attention" on the closing squad car.
"Oh, no," groaned Linda, as if more concerned about her erotic letdown. "I knew we were going to get caught."
"Shut up, Linda," retaliated Tom, evidently appearing shamefully defeated. "I'll handle this turkey!"
Tom finally decreased his speed to 55 mph, and discreetly pulled over, however, still irritably receiving the command, "Pull complete over."
When the officer cautiously approached Tom's car, Tom attempted to remain calm, still aware of his behavior around Linda.
After the police officer naturally asked for Tom's license, Tom politely asked with a slight quiver indicated in his voice, "Is there anything wrong, officer?"
Amused by the stupid question, the blue uniformed man replied, "Not really, but you were exceeding the speed limit by 20 mph."
Tom eventually became aware, after the officer's routine interrogation, that he would receive a ticket.
"Hey, man, do I deserve a ticket," asked Tom.
"Look," said the officer, "you broke the law, and I have to reprimand you for it, according to the rules."
After Linda let out a disgusted sigh, Tom, failing to reason with the officer, angrily (and typically) suggested, "Why don't you pigs spend your time catching all those killers and robbers instead of harassing. . ."
Thus represents a typical scene between the public law enforcement agency and the public itself, clearly revealing the public's stereotyped view directed upon the authorities. Too often does the public view the authorities as anything but "Real People," that unfortunately the two sides fail to understand or even interpret each other's problems and concerns. Consequently, a vicious isolation is established between the authorities and the public.
To combat this so-called isolation between the aforementioned groups, the Anaheim Police Department has recently instituted a School Resource Officer Program. Although the S.R.O. Program consists of only five officers, the program includes almost all those schools presently lying within Anaheim city.
The School Resource Officer, which is responsible for all the high schools, junior high schools, and elementary school specifically located in his section, attends the various campuses to serve as an instructor in counselor.
Instruction and information included in the S.R.O. Program revolve around the following: bicy cle safety, narcotics, theft and burglary, police careers, criminal law, criminal procedures, and crime prevention measures.
Officer Sandra Kay has been selected to attend Savanna every Thursday to assist with the improvement of mutual understanding and respect between police officers, students, and the community.
Officer Kay, who will be with Savanna for the remainder of the year, emphasized that the S.R.O. Program wishes to achieve a more personal and informal relationship between the students at the school and the School Resource Officer.
By Brendan Tietge
It takes special effort to do what Bryan Hillenburg is accomplishing. Bryan, a freshman, is deaf and plays basketball for the Frosh/Soph team here at Savanna.
This is Bryan's first year at a public school without a special program for the deaf. Bryan's mother said, "He wanted to go to a public school, particularly Savanna, because his older brother (Steve) went here, and he has always admired his brother."
Glen Garson, who coaches the Frosh/Soph team, said, "I think Bryan is very enthusiastic which makes it easier to coach him. When he first came to me in the fall, I had no doubt in my mind that he should play because of his enthusiasm. I knew it would be a challenge but I feel I've already won. Bryan has come a long way since day one."
Bryan said he likes it here at Savanna and loves playing basketball. Not only has Coach Garson helped him, but also his teammates have. When Bryan's mother was asked how she felt about Bryan playing basketball she replied, "I'm glad to see he's trying new things, although at first I thought it would be hard for him to hear certain calls on the court." Coach Garson seems to disagree with that statement, however. He explains: "I'll always remember at one game I kept yelling 'Time Out!' maybe ten times and nobody called it, as if they were ignoring me. Finally someone called it. That person was Bryan. I always tease the team about the only one who heard me was someone who couldn't hear me." Bryan's deafness causes him to pay more attention than any of the other players. He has to in order to understand.
Without the ability to read lips, he would be lost.
In addition, Bryan also has a speech problem making it more difficult to play. He can't call for a pass or yell other calls. He does make definite sounds for words that sound like what he means, and this helps the team to understand him.
Bryan's mother and he displayed some of his special equipment at his home. They have a TTY which enables Bryan to "talk" on the phone. He types out what he wants to say on a keyboard, but in order to know what Bryan is saying, the receiving party must also have a TTY. It will print up what is put in and the answer from the other person, too. Bryan has many friends that are deaf so he can use this equipment to talk to them.
Another interesting device is his "Closed Caption" sold by Sears. This allows Bryan to watch television. The words run across the bottom of the screen. Many deaf people have this device which enables them to understand regular television programs.
Bryan has one friend who shows movies at his house once a month with captaions for the hearing impaired. It also has sound so that if they want to invite a friend who isn't deaf, he won't feel out of place. There are over 3,000 deaf people in California alone. It's good to see many new aids being offered to make their communication easier.
Bryan's great deal of courage and inspiration towards his basketball teammates has clearly established him as a special person to many peo pie here at Savanna. His attitude and character make him a unique person to meet.
By Brendan Tietge
Christmas is not only a time for exchanging gifts, but also a time for exchanging students. At the end of December and the beginning of January, students headed for the southern hemisphere are notified of where they will live, study, and enjoy a new lifestyle for an entire year. But Christmas is late in coming for Savanna's Tim Albaugh. Albaugh, after going through the lengthy porocedures necessary for a candidate, was informed that he had qualified for going to another country south of the equator just before Thanksgiving in November, but since then has heard nothing from the American Field Service. He said that it is "getting to be kind of nerve-wracking" to wait for news of a host family. "The longer it takes, the less number of countries there are (available)," he said.
To overcome the great hardships that a foreign exchange student experiences, the candidate must prepare himself well in advance to adapt to radical changes in environment and culture. Students such as Albaugh may spend a year or more "psyching" themselves for their adventure, and to keep that frame of mind in the face of uncertainty has been hard for the ASB vice president.
After a student has been accepted for the program, the AFS compares the responses on the students application with those of the host families. When a compatible match is found, the student is informed and he soon leaves. Albaugh attributes the lateness of his assignment to the difficulty the AFS must be having matching him up with a family that is looking for someone like him.
It now looks as if Albaugh may have to wait until June before going to a country in the northern hemisphere. Although this includes Europe, a popular destination for many, Albaugh favors a trip to Japan. Why the land of the rising sun? "Because it's so different, it would take a complete effort," said Albaugh.
As part of his application process, Tim spoke with former exchange students Val Mejia and John Oseid and also visitors to America who are presently on the program. Through these conversations, Albaugh has learned what to expect on his trip. Besides the many adjustments that must be made on a trip to another country, Albaugh is anticipating one thing that will be the hardest to face about the program: Going home after the year's over.
By Paul Carey
1980 has been an interesting year for movies and has brought us a variety of different types of movies.
Comedies seemed to be as popular as ever. Probably the best comedy of the year was "Airplane," a madcap spoof on the "Airport" films and all movies in general. It's all-star cast and outrageous humour helped to make it the hit of the summer. Other comedies that met with various degrees of success were "The Blues Brothers," "Cheech and Cong's Next Movie," "Smokey and The Bandit, II," "Private Benjamen," and "The Nude Bomb."
The past year has also brought us a number of films related to music. Not only did "Urban Cowboy" start a new country western fad, but it also produced a hit album. "American Gigolo," gave us the number one single, "Call Me" by Blondie. "No Nukes," the documentary of the concert held to protest the use of nuclear power, gave us a whole movie full of music by Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Browne, Crosby, Stills, and Nash, and many other popular artists. Two rather ill-fated movies related to music were "Roadie" starring Meat Loaf, Blondie, and Alice Cooper, and the new-wave musical "Times Square" starring Tim Curry of "Rocky Horror" fame.
In one way more than any other, the movie industry proved they can very often lack good taste. This was with the release of the numerous "blood and guts" horror movies, films like "Friday, the 13th," "Prom Night," and "When a Stranger Calls" drew undeservingly large audiences. It can be observed that the movie companies care little about what is in the movie, as long as it makes money for them. Two movies in the suspense filled horror mold that definitely deserve to be listed apart of the above mentioned films are Brian De Palma's "Dressed to Kill" and Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining," based on the book by Stephen King.
Two films released this year that met with two different kinds of success were both directed by famous actors. "Ordinary People" starring Mary Tyler Moore and Tim Hutton and directed by Robert Redford was a tremendous critical success. Sidney Poitier directed Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor in the box office blockbuster of the Christmas season "Stir Crazy."
One movie named by many critics as the year's best was "The Elephant Man," the tragic story of John Merrick, a horribly disfigured man, and his rise to high society in Victorian England. Even through the restraining makeup actor John Hurt had to wear for the lead role, his performance is sensitive and touching.
Two movies that premiered for Christmas with much hype were Robert Altman's "Popeye" and Dino De Laurentes's "Flash Gordon." Dispite bad reviews from critics "Popeye," starring Robin Williams as the one-eyed sailor, proved to be a success. "Flash Gordon" did not fare as well. Even constant changes in its advertising campaign failed to bring in a substantial audience for the space film.
Finally, the most unsurprising hit of the year was "The Empire Strikes Back," George Lucas's sequel to his hugely successful "Star Wars." New plot developments kept the interest of the fans, especially the introduction of Yoda, the Jedi Master. The only real disappointment is the cruel cliffhanger ending that leaves the audience waiting for the release of "Revenge of the Jedi," three years from now.
By Kristin Dragoman
With the addition of new talent from the freshman and sophomore classes, the Drama Department performed their first presentation of the year in combination with the Jazz Band on Jan. 15.
Under the new direction of Can-dace Heindrich, the Drama Department presented scenes from Woody Allen's "Without Feathers" plus scenes from various other works. The Jazz Band, under the direction of Mark Lowery, presented selections such as "Flat Jack Willie" and "Night in Tonisia" in preparation for their first Jazz Festival held on Sat., January 17.
The show opened with the Drama presenting "God," by Woody Allen. This scene started off slow but highlights were added by veteran actors of Savanna, Cheri LaMorte, and Mike Barnes. The show continued on an uphill climb with the selections by the Jazz Band. An intermission was after the Jazz Band before the remaining scenes by the Drama Department. "The Bizarre Kidnapping" was the next scene presented. In this scene, the acting skill of returning drama students was unveiled. Freshmen Beth Filadelfia demonstrated her acting ability in the monologue "White Socks in a Pantyhose World." This scene was about a woman's worries and was one of the highlights of the show. Following was another scene by Woody Allen from his play "Take the Money and Run." Mike Rodgers, who is a sophomore, carried off a small role with much ability.
Special lighting helped to achieve the illusion of mist and clouds for the next monologue by Cheri LaMorte. She portrayed a young girl who died on her birthday and was telling how terrific heaven is. The scene was taken from "Happy Birthday Wanda June." For the finish another Woody Allen scene was performed. It was called "Death." In this the acting ability of some underclassmen was revealed. The ending of the scene was somewhat confusing because of the variation that was added.
The first performance by the Drama Department was highlighted by the use of lighting and makeup. This with the combination of good direction and acting provided for a fine performance.
By Lynn Bawelkiewicz
Playing at the Los Angeles Forum on December 30,1980, Cheap Trick brought in the new year great with a fantastic performance of their world tour show.
The event, sponsored by KLOS and Avalon Productions proved to be a fantastic presentation using fabulous song arrangement, abundant audience participation, along with some very unusual visual aides. Fine examples of these were found on the visuals on "High Priest of Rythmic Noise," which featured a hanging giant, red-pupiled eyeball, and the crowd participation on what was described by the band as their theme song "Gonna' Raise Hell."
Although high points of the evening included guitarist Rick Nielsen's fantastic instrumentals and the introduction of new bass player Pete Comita on his L.A. stage debut, some disappointments for the group's fans included the fact that no programs were provided for the night's performance, and even though they were promised, by Nielsen himself, the most encores ever — the promise was left unfulfilled. However, probably the most distressing to all apresent was the mishap that occurred on the band's first song "Stop This Game." As the organ music mounted to start the familiar introduction into the song, fans cheered loudly. Just as everyone was really getting involved in the song, some sort of "technical difficulty" occurred, the music died, and fans were left sitting unhappily in the dark waiting for the concert to once again get underway. Finally after an almost 10 minute wait, the band took to the stage and casually went into their second song.
The group's performance was truly exciting as they strongly featured the band's instrumental abilities with Bun E. Carlos on drums, Comita on bass, and the actual highlight of the show, Nielsen's excellent skill on guitar as he played three guitars in succession which he had hung around his neck he would jam on one, wait for a sufficient audience response and move on to the next, peeling off setting down or actually heaving them to the stage crew as he finished with them. Also featured was Robin Zander who put in some fine vocals.
Cheap Trick put on an excellent show using great arrangement, superb instrumentals, good audience contact, and overall good showmanship.
By Larry Lee
Rock critics nationwide were hard at work choosing their top ten albums for 1980, and a poll among the "Dispatch" staff has produced the following 1980 top ten:
No. 1 - AC/DC "Back In Black" - The loss of lead singer Bon Scott had no effect on this Australian heavy metal outfit as they rose to new heights with their first top ten LP.
No. 2 — Devo "Freedom of Choice" — Devo also attained a great deal of commercial success with their synthesized rock due to the overnight smash single "Whip It!"
No. 3 — Pat Benatar "Crimes of Passion" — Benatar's second album was much in the hard driving style of her first album. With albums like these, Benatar has quite a future.
No. 4 — "Pretenders" — By far the best new group of the year. Their new wave and pop mixture made them highly successful and lead singer Chrissie Hynde is one of the most intense female singers in years.
No. 5 — The Cars "Panorama" — The Cars move more towards new wave on their third album. Although not as good as their first two albums, it still tops most of the competition.
No. 6 — The Police "Zonyatta Mondatta" — This English trio continues their new wave and reggae influenced pop for their third LP, but like the cars, continue to decline artistically.
No. 7 — Jackson Browne "Hold Out" — Browne's first No. 1 LP and well deserving of it. The album, although not as strong lyrically as earlier works is much more personal.
No. 8 — Davie Bowie "Scary Monsters" — Bowie brings back the character "Major Tom" on this album in the song "Ashes to Ashes" in this stunning and cynical work.
No. 9 — The Kinks Live "One For The Road" — One of the many brilliant live albums released during 1980 features old Kinks standards and six cuts from the "Low Budget" album.
TIE No. 10 - John Lennon/Yoko Ono "Double Fantasy" - The first album by the late ex-Beatle and his wife in five years. The full impact of the album didn't hit until after his tragic death last month.
Pink Floyd "The Wall" - The Wall held up the record industry the first quarter of the year and had the No. 2 single of 1980 "Another Brick In The Wall, Part Two." The album deals mainly with lead singer Roger Water's life.
TIE No. 12 — Dire Straits "Making Movies" and Queen "The Game"; No. 14 Cheap Trick "All Shook Up"; No. 15 Fleetwood Mac "Live"; No. 16 Graham Parker "The Up Escalator"; No. 17 Pete Townshend "Empty Glass"; TIE No. 18 Bruce Springsteen "The River" and Warren Zevon "Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School"; TIE No. 20 "Peter Gabriel" Rod Stewart "Foolish Behaviour," and Journey "Departure"; TIE No. 23 Talking Heads "Remain In Light"; Supertramp Live "Paris" and Air Supply "Lost In Love"; No. 26 "Oingo, Boingo" (EP); No. 27 Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band "Against The Wind"; TIE No. 28 Steely Dan "Gaucho," Donna Summer "The Wanderer," "Christopher Cross."
By Larry Lee
The last time a Savanna basketball team qualified for CIF was the 1961 season, but this year according to Head Coach Tom Gregory, "This is the best shot we're going to have in quite awhile.'
This comes on the heels of Savanna's come-from-behind victory over Anaheim 51-49 on bill LeMasters 15-foot jumper at the buzzer. LeMaster's opportunity came after rebounding Tom Beisner's shot with five seconds remaining.
The Rebels trailed by 10 points midway through the third quarter before starting the slow comeback, which left them five points down with only 2Vz minutes to go. With steals form Beisner and David Tiede whom Gregory calls the team's "Best overall performer" in the final two minutes the Rebels were able to know the score.
With only 33 seconds remaining, Evans of Anaheim missed the front end of a one and one setting up the final shot as Savanna ran the clock down to set up Lemasters' winning hoop.
The victory over Anaheim which enabled Savanna to move into a third place tie with Anaheim at 3-2 was "a big win" said Gregory. Sunny Hills leads the pack at 5-0 and close behind is Troy at 4-1. One of the keys in the victory was Lemasters having held Evans to only one point in that crucial fourth quarter.
Savanna warmed up for their regular season play with tournament participation over Christmas vacation placing sixth at Brea split ting their four games.
In the tournament opener against Fullerton, Savanna rallied from a 15-point deficit to win in overtime 75-68. Tiede made the big play with a three point play with only one and a half minutes remaining in overtime. "Free throws were the difference," according to Gregory as Savanna went to the line time and time again in the overtime.
In the second round, Savanna was romped by Huntington Beach 67-38 in a game which Gregory felt the team didn't execute well.
Moving to the consolation bracket. Savanna again rallied from an early 11 point deficit to beat Pacifica going away 63-52. LeMasters and Beisner each poured in 20 points to lead the attack.
With Mike Jones and Steve Ash out causing a lack of depth off the bench, Savanna was handed a sound defeat 77-50 at the hands of Troy despite LeMasters 27 points.
The league opener saw the Rebels facing the Roadrunners of Saddleback and the name applied with their quickness forcing Savanna into a 1-2-2 zone defense. The zone worked as Savanna, behind the strengh of LeMasters 27 points and 13 by Tiede defeated Saddleback 52-45.
The Rebels played "awesome defense" according to Gregory in a 43-34 loss to Sunny Hills which has been averaging 70 points a game as Ben Banuelos held the Lancers second leading scorer scoreless.
"We missed a lot of easy shots," said Gregory which led to the loss as Sunny Hills 43 points marked the lowest amount any Rebel opponent has scored. Savanna, which played catch up all season long and usually got away with it had the tide turn against them when they were outscored by Magnolia's Sentinels 16-8 in the final quarter, and eventually losing by five points putting their league record at a disappointing 1-2.
The Rebels only run away game came against Western as Savanna rolled over the Pioneers 79-56 in a match that was lopsided from the beginning. LeMasters played just over three quarters and still put in 31 points, freshman guard Keith Watanabe had seven assists and Tiede six steals.
The reasons for Savanna's new found success has been the defense which is tied with Sunny Hills as the number one defense in the league, and the floor play of Watanabe whom Gregory feels "we're 1-4 in a league play without."
Wednesday the Rebels have a chance for revenge against Sunny Hills and Gregory believes that "If we sustain momentum we can beat them," but "we've got to shoot the ball a little bit better."
The Rebel's chances for their first CIF berth since 1961 depends on whether that defense can hold and the offense can continue their comeback heroics, but as Gregory stated, "Our best games are ahead of us."
By Chris Makimoto
The girls' basketball team in the preseason games won five and lost one. Savanna was ranked No. 6 in the county, but since then they have lost two heartbreakers by two points in both games.
Three players from Savanna, Darlene Trenary, Becky Rediess, and Debbie Drlik are currently in the top 20 high scorers of the league.
In their first league game against Saddleback the Rebels stomped on them with a score of 58-41. The Rebels came out hot in the first half and bucket after bucket was sunk. There was very balanced scoring, and a full-court press by the Rebels caused Saddleback to make many turnovers. The Rebels played aggressively and maintained the lead throughout the entire game.
With the disadvantage of playing on the opponent's court, the Rebels lost a disappointing game against Sunny Hills. In the first half the Rebels led by three points with Rediess and Drlik showing an impressive game with both offensive and defensive rebounding. Due to low shooting percentage and turnovers by the Rebels, the Lancers took the lead. Rediess fractured her ankle in the fourth quarter and had to be taken out. In the fourth quarter the Rebels came back strong, but the Lancers held them down to take the victory 44-42.
Against Magnolia the Rebels squandered many scoring opportunities throughout the game. Also missing 13 free throws contributed to the Rebel's loss. Forward, Becky Rediess, topped her opponents and teammates with 18 rebounds throughout the entire game despite a fractured ankle. The Rebels lost that heartbreaking game 52-54.
Demolishing the Pioneers 53-29, the Rebels had an easy victory. Darlene Trenary had 29 rebounds which qualified her to be noted in the C.I.F. record for most rebounds in one game. Trenary also showed impressive scoring with 27 point. Dotti Stow played and effective game with the defensive boards and Drlik also contributed with the offensive boards.
The team's record is two wins and two losses. Quickness and endurance is their strength in playing. This week the Rebels face Sunny Hills here and Magnolia on the road.
By Gary Kuhn
Supported by Darin Moynihan's outstanding performances, Savanna's wrestling team has temporarily erased its plight to become consistent contenders among other schools. Also, much of the team's improvement is largely attributed to the squad's success in the lower weight categories, according to Coach Joslyn.
Savanna suffered a serious setback in the wrestling program several years ago when some outstanding grapplers graduated, thus, depleting the school of any experienced wrestlers. Moreover, Savanna was temoprarily without a coach.
However, under Joslyn's new guidance, the Rebs have certainly redeemed themselves from last year's dismal performance of 2-5, posting a 500 won-lost percentage among competition. However, three of the losses occurred against Freeway League opponents. Here is a restrospective look at the season until yesterday.
Commencing the season against Rancho Alamitos and Santiago, Savanna introduced its method of success by capturing wins in almost all of the lower weights. Van Champion (100), Ken Epstein (105), Parin Moynihan (128), and Stormie Siebold (140) all won their matches between the two schools.
Against powerful Valencia, the Rebs dropped a convincing loss, 17-50; however, the aforementioned names repeated their victories.
Kurt Mitchell, wrestling in the heavyweight category, contributed to Savanna's next win over Fullerton, 40-28.
Surprisingly, Savanna failed to perform as well in the lower weights, relinguising losses in the 100, 105, and 140 categories to Saddleback and assuring Saddleback's victory, 42-36.
Special recognition goes to Epstein, Moynihan, and Kurt Mitchell for overcoming Sunny Hills' foes, despite the 60-12 trouncing.
After losing a 42-22 decision to Magnolia, Savanna retaliated with a 36-29 triumph over Western. Champion, Joe Koo, Moynihan, Siebold, James Dunn, Mike Schloffer, and Joel Jacoby deserve credit for their winning efforts.
Darin Moynihan looks promising to advance past the Freeway League Finals as he is undefeated in competition. Also, Darin, supposedly rated numer one in his category in Orange County, will attempt to advance to CIF Finals.