
Commodore LED wristwatch

Commodore LED wristwatchI think it was '76, maybe '77, when I got a Commodore LED watch as an Easter gift. I don't remember what happened but it ran maybe a month and then died. I wrote to Commodore asking for a warranty repair. They wrote back asking for a repair fee that I couldn't afford. I gave up on it but my father wrote them a nasty letter and I got this a couple months later. It soured me on Commodore. A few years later when I got a home computer, I went with the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A over Commodore's 64 or Vic-20.

I didn't realize it at the time, but it's very close in style my father's Litorix, except that his case was stainless steel and this is black plastic.

Acquired: 1976

Circa: 1976

Origin: USA

Type: LED (battery tbd)

Current condition: Worked last time I put a battery in it (maybe five years ago).