
Hermle skeleton clock


Hermle skeleton clockAt a glance it looks like another anniversary clock, but it's actually an 8-day movement with a standard pendulum regulator.

It's got a simple strike: once on the hour and that's it. Since the bell isn't muffled by a wooden cabinet, it's got a very clear, pure tone.

Nice clock; keeps good time. My father found it at a flea market or shop somewhere for almost nothing, but I've seen the bare movement for sale and I think it's expensive.

The only problem with it is that the dome is too tall, but there's no way I'm going to try to cut it down. Some day I'll measure it and add it to my notebook of things to look for, and if I ever find a crappy battery-powered anniversary clock with the right (or at least closer to being right) sized dome, I'll buy it and use it. But that's easier said than done: I've got two orphan domes sitting in the garage that won't fit.

It's a shame these aren't common and inexpensive, it's a single train with a very simple strike mechanism, so that would make it a good one to learn to repair. You don't see many single-train (time only) mechanical clocks.

Acquired: from my father in the 2010s (don't know when he got it).

Current condition: runs great.

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